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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

gospel of Encephalon Part 1 The Introduction

 First Memory "Before Birth"
(A Fictional Story im working on.)

Total Darkness! Entropy! Then A spark of self-awareness. Focusing inward A feeling of curiosity about oneself. Which leads to the Feeling of the void that surrounds self! The question of " what is this place? None of the five scenes exist yet! One is bound by feeling one's surroundings through pure thought. To know one's surroundings thought must be extended outward from self-awareness! Only then The second spark Takes place.

 The detection that it is a vast place, and then suddenly the presence of other beings is felt. Their thoughts enter the void. Extending external awareness further outward helps to focus other beings' thoughts creating the sense of hearing. Concentrating on their voices brings them closer creating limited sight. There are many of them present now having a discussion about me! The voices are too many to be clear as they seem far away. As I focused on pulling the thoughts closer to me; 

I become aware of a powerful being of pure lite. too bright to focus my thoughts on, and get a clearer look at this entity. I think "Who am I?"; At that moment the entity becomes clear enough to see it pointing in a direction beyond my awareness. I have a feeling of desperation to join the others, and also have the desire to explore the direction in which this entity pointed. The being of light made it clear through thought I was not permitted to go with the others at this time. So I focused upon all my thoughts in the direction the entity pointed.

As i focused on the direction a still images in a line appeared before me. I became angry for the first time for no reason. The entity urged me to go into the images through thought. As i did so a blast of color and light appeared before me revealing a beautiful sphere of life, and energy. It was massive in size. The entity urged me to travel to this sphere while projecting the thought that i would recieve the answers to my questions their. I focused as hard as i could upon this beautifule sphere, and it became closer real fast thus i was born into this reality.

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