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Thursday, May 12, 2022

gospel of Encephalon Part 2 The Introduction

 As a Child "The Fall From Grace!"

 (A Fictional Story im working on.)

The second memory was one as a baby in this new reality. At this time I was Not fully of the body yet. I had Only two senses to use to interact with the environment around me. These where the ability of sight, and hearing. I still depended upon Thought to feel, and interpret  my surroundings. I noticed I could extend my thoughts outward towards others to feel what they felt emotionally. Their Thoughts where very clear to me although they did not speak to me. Three years passed with a blur,; Like a flash forward! 

My fall from grace was simple, and fast. Instead of listening to the voices  To make a long story short, and avoid giving details about my family life I denounced them to fit into this new reality! I new through personal interactions that I would not be accepted as I was. I expressed this to the entities that guided me, and asked them to leave me alone! Little did I know the mistake I made that day as a child. Although I retained the ability to sense things such as peoples emotions, and had the ability to perceive everyone like an open book!

 I lost the voices that guided me step by step trough this reality. I was on my own now depending on the people around me, and the advice was given to me to observe don't interact with this reality, and the voices left! I was cut off from the source to which I came from. My journey to get back to the source just began not much later in my life when I realized This reality would never except me for who, or what I am.  

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