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Thursday, May 12, 2022

gospel of Encephalon Part 2 The Introduction

 As a Child "The Fall From Grace!"

 (A Fictional Story im working on.)

The second memory was one as a baby in this new reality. At this time I was Not fully of the body yet. I had Only two senses to use to interact with the environment around me. These where the ability of sight, and hearing. I still depended upon Thought to feel, and interpret  my surroundings. I noticed I could extend my thoughts outward towards others to feel what they felt emotionally. Their Thoughts where very clear to me although they did not speak to me. Three years passed with a blur,; Like a flash forward! 

My fall from grace was simple, and fast. Instead of listening to the voices  To make a long story short, and avoid giving details about my family life I denounced them to fit into this new reality! I new through personal interactions that I would not be accepted as I was. I expressed this to the entities that guided me, and asked them to leave me alone! Little did I know the mistake I made that day as a child. Although I retained the ability to sense things such as peoples emotions, and had the ability to perceive everyone like an open book!

 I lost the voices that guided me step by step trough this reality. I was on my own now depending on the people around me, and the advice was given to me to observe don't interact with this reality, and the voices left! I was cut off from the source to which I came from. My journey to get back to the source just began not much later in my life when I realized This reality would never except me for who, or what I am.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

gospel of Encephalon Part 1 The Introduction

 First Memory "Before Birth"
(A Fictional Story im working on.)

Total Darkness! Entropy! Then A spark of self-awareness. Focusing inward A feeling of curiosity about oneself. Which leads to the Feeling of the void that surrounds self! The question of " what is this place? None of the five scenes exist yet! One is bound by feeling one's surroundings through pure thought. To know one's surroundings thought must be extended outward from self-awareness! Only then The second spark Takes place.

 The detection that it is a vast place, and then suddenly the presence of other beings is felt. Their thoughts enter the void. Extending external awareness further outward helps to focus other beings' thoughts creating the sense of hearing. Concentrating on their voices brings them closer creating limited sight. There are many of them present now having a discussion about me! The voices are too many to be clear as they seem far away. As I focused on pulling the thoughts closer to me; 

I become aware of a powerful being of pure lite. too bright to focus my thoughts on, and get a clearer look at this entity. I think "Who am I?"; At that moment the entity becomes clear enough to see it pointing in a direction beyond my awareness. I have a feeling of desperation to join the others, and also have the desire to explore the direction in which this entity pointed. The being of light made it clear through thought I was not permitted to go with the others at this time. So I focused upon all my thoughts in the direction the entity pointed.

As i focused on the direction a still images in a line appeared before me. I became angry for the first time for no reason. The entity urged me to go into the images through thought. As i did so a blast of color and light appeared before me revealing a beautiful sphere of life, and energy. It was massive in size. The entity urged me to travel to this sphere while projecting the thought that i would recieve the answers to my questions their. I focused as hard as i could upon this beautifule sphere, and it became closer real fast thus i was born into this reality.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Fallout 4

  Fallout 4 Review!


Fallout 4 is by far one of the best games i ever played. It is completely moddable! It is geared towards single player which i love; because their are no interuptions, and its at your own pace. The world itself is massive, and their is always something to do be it a side queat, main quest, or just a personal quest you want to go on.  

I really did not find anything i didnt like that i couldnt chang with a mod. I created my own mods for the game which is not very hard to do on pc. You can always share your mod with others via nexus mods, or bethesda site itself. (thats if you make it xbox compatable.) My very first mod was a leather jacket with the stats of power armor. I did the artwork for it. It turned out good i think. Theirs no need to wear power armor with this jacket; but if you want to go overboard so be it lol.

 I have completed most of the main, and side quests. now i am planning a hostile takover of nuka world with the minutemen, and the brootherhood of steel as extra backup lol. It is going to be one all out battle to see which side prevails. i will post it on my youtube channel when i do get around to playing it again which will be soon.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Some Of My poems

"crazy, sexy, cool,
your sweat touches me as we meld into blissful melody of lust, and hype. no need to be frightened, no need to fight! visions of confusion as blood drips from our lips. My hands move slowly down your hips. purple haze of desperate whispers. rhythmic trance unbound by fear and consequence. tears of joy as we groove to the heartbeat that binds us into the abyss. don't think, nothing is amiss. your body is mine as we melt and intertwine. we wake unto the world across the room from each other" DMoNk

BrAiN SpAz!
"waking from silent screams
mind torn at it seams
deep penetrating horror themes
4..3..2..1.. into the terror of things
always hacking the mind
shadows drift in space and time
entropy is bliss, all is fine" DMoNk

"notion to the motion, shall you see what's inside of thee?! blockade of truth, endless whispers.... the purple haze, light comes through... where alive with a trickster beat, rise up, and move your feet. notion to the motion!" DMoNk

"you move me, cant you see, we are free. allow inspiration to blend with thought, and soul. pounding beat, lights surround us as we move in a wave of ecstasy. your body merges with mine as we become lost in the musical lust of the purple cool. I never forget the brief dream of us." DMoNk munch a crunch purple gel passion fruit

"when in doubt whip it out, scream and shout! let the music move your body in a rhythmic orgasm of light and sound. let the wave of the body be found. shallow dreams, hollow scenes, rise up enjoy the freshest things. live, live, I say live on until the break of dawn then rest like the best!" DMoNk

"what do you want from me?!
cold tears, all in my mind of fears. open trembles when your near. how can my heart be clear? eyes of illusion. solid haze of confusion. hang in, keep trying don't give up on me. I am torn in mind and soul, don't let me be. to love me is not a sin. I will overcome in the end!" DMoNk

Monday, May 2, 2022

My audio server project is finished!

 Hey Guys,

I finally finished my audio server project! I made it so you can create an account to listen to my archive, my mixes, my internet radio, my podcast collection, and more. just go to the link bellow, and click on sign up button. Once you do that i will review your account to aprove it for access to the server ASAP. Then once i approve your account i send you an email then you can login when the server. NOTE: the server will not be dedicated so it will have some downtime! The main reason is i have other projects that i use the server for. If you have any questions just leave a comment bellow, and ill get back to you asap.



my isp shut me down for running a server unless i pay for server services. i dont plan on doing that so the radio station is down! I may in the future invest in a static ip service but for now im not.